The project “Business Support Services of West Athens” is implemented by the Development Association of Western Athens (ASDA) and concerns the development of “horizontal” services for the Upgrading of Support and Diffusion of Entrepreneurship in West Athens.
Who can benefit
The project “Business Support Services of West Athens” develops online services and tools that promote entrepreneurship and extroversion in West Athens.
Purpose and Objectives
To support the capacity of SMEs of all sectors and branches of the economy in the Greek territory to develop in regional, national and international markets and to participate in entrepreneurship promotion procedures.
Expected Benefits
Through the mobilization of businesses, the aim is to establish collective procedures for the promotion of entrepreneurship and the promotion of West Athens as a business and investment destination.
Role of the DAWA
To date, the DAWA has implemented numerous environmental, urban, social and cultural projects.
Digital entrepreneurship tools
Rely on your own knowledge to plan, develop and promote your business!
Networking and business synergies at national and international level
Collaborate with other businesses and organisations to expand into foreign markets.
Observatory of extroversion activities
Find out – on an ongoing basis – about exhibitions that take place and involve export-oriented activities.
Special Sector and Activity Reports
Find out about statistics on export-oriented sectors and activities published in special reports.
Exhibition Programme
Find out all the information about the Exhibitions
Participation Procedure
Find out about the eligibility and the procedure for participation.
All Exhibitions
Find out about all the held Exhibitions and their results.
Saving Energy – Entrepreneurship
Find out all the information about the Saving Energy – Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship 360
Find out about the eligibility and the procedure for Entrepreneurship 360
Green Transition of SMEs
Find out about the eligibility and the procedure for Green Transition of SMEs
Digital Transformation of SMEs
Find out about the eligibility and the procedure for Digital Transformation of SMEs
Programme Competitiveness 2021-2027
Find out about the eligibility and the procedure for Programme Competitiveness 2021-2027
Find out all the information about invitations to thematic workshops
Find out about the results of the thematic workshops
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