Get access to all free online consulting and coaching services focusing on strategic business development and gaining knowledge and skills in new data
Become autonomous by building «your» effective strategy!
Empowering Businesses with Digital Entrepreneurship Tools
West Athens Business Support Services develops and offers modern digital business tools to businesses primarily in West Athens, but allows access to all businesses without geographical or other restrictions in order to upgrade their capabilities, enhance their extroversion and strengthen their position in new markets.
Get to know our tools!
- Why should a targeted customer buy my product?
- How can I make my product stand out from the rest?
- Who are my competitors and in what area?
- How do I deal with them so that I can improve and/or maintain my market position?
Answer these and other questions by using this innovative tool to help you develop your business differentiation strategy.
What is a differentiation strategy?
Corporate strategy by which a company seeks to differentiate its products or services from those of its competitors to add value by making them unique. In this process it carefully studies the needs of buyers to translate their preferences into products more attractive than those of competitors.
A successful differentiation strategy creates products with a competitive advantage, the ability to price them higher and brand loyalty.
How does my business benefit from the Differentiation Strategy tool?
The user, who may be an executive of the company itself, can select paths to achieve growth, competition and extroversion and can configure scenarios at three levels

- at the corporate level strategy illustrated by the corporate vision or mission, the scope and type of activities
- at the business or competitive level strategy, illustrated by the achievement of competitive advantages, the exploitation of business opportunities, the development of new products and services
- at the operational strategy level, which is reflected in the way each unit of the organisation effectively implements the strategies selected at the two higher levels in relation to resources and processes.
- Simplifies the Costing of Services & Products
- It has standard forms, greatly simplifying this process
- Guides you through each phase of the project step by step
- Sets out how business will achieve a net profit
How well is information shared between your business executives and stakeholders (customers, partners, suppliers)?
Digital transformation refers to the transition from traditional ways of daily operations and problem solving to new methods, which include the use of technological tools and applications.
The tool offers a comprehensive information and action plan for the digital transformation of your Business, in order to shift the focus of employees from routine manual activities to more innovative tasks, based on knowledge enhancement and time/cost reduction.
Attract the interest of potential investors with the help of a well-structured Business Plan. The Business Plan is a detailed blueprint of how the activity is expected to evolve in the future and provides valuable tools for analysing the activity, identifying its needs, making the necessary decisions and implementing the necessary changes and interventions.
The important advantage of the Business Plan is that, once effectively structured, it can be dynamic, monitor the evolution of its implementation and adapt to new developments – either internal or external to the business unit – that affect this evolution.
List the key sizes and characteristics of the market in which the business operates, focus on Market Study research, focus on Market Analysis.
Prepare a complete Innovation plan with a focus on :
- Product Innovation (new product or product with new characteristics)
- Καινοτομία Διαδικασίας (νέος τρόπος παραγωγής του προϊόντος)
- Process Innovation (new way of producing the product)
- Marketing Innovation (new way of designing and promoting the product
- Business Model Innovation (new way of organising and managing the company)
Identify and record the risks that the managers/employees of your company identify.
Then evaluate them through the ability to quantify the impact of these risks and how they are managed.