The project
A Boost for Small and Medium-sized Businesses in West Athens
The project entitled «Horizontal Services for the Support and Diffusion of Entrepreneurship in Western Athens» is implemented by the Development Association of Western Athens (ASDA). The project is included in Priority Axis 03 “Strengthening the competitiveness and extroversion of Medium Sized Enterprises – Improving the attractiveness of the Region of Attica for attracting investment and promoting innovative entrepreneurship” of the Operational Programme Attica, and concerns horizontal services for the support and dissemination of entrepreneurship in West Athens.

The main development arm of the project is the Business4extroversion platform (eCOMP2EX) through which businesses have the opportunity to use and personalise digital tools for their business activity. The support of the extroversion of enterprises and the facilitation of access to new markets is based on the organisation of business missions to important foreign exhibitions through which services and interface functions are offered for the participation of entrepreneurs in B2B contacts and support services for the acquisition of experience and access to international exhibitions and networks, market operation information, understanding of developments, etc.
The funding body of the project is the Region of Attica, which supports financially the Integrated Territorial Investments / Sustainable Urban Development of Western Athens that are spatially integrated in its jurisdiction, through the OP «Attica 2014-2020».
The project is implemented in line with the «Entrepreneurship Development and Promotion Mechanism» (3.4.ASDA.1) which, among other things, seeks to develop, communicate and formulate common strategies for the development of entrepreneurship in West Athens.